Osteoarthritis of the knee joint: it is the phase, the symptoms and myths about the treatment

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a complex disease degenerated degenerative in nature, affecting the osseo-cartilaginous division of the tribe. The disease affects most often it is the knee of the division of the lower limbs. Pathologic changes in cartilage and periarticular parties, which, in most cases, develop on a background of trauma, the biological aging of the organism, auto-immune disorders of nature, seriously depress the musculoskeletal system-motor potential of the feet. The joint is logopedija, loses stability to the normal traction and the amortization of the capacity. As a result, it deforms gradually, and the last phase is in outage.

view astroscope on the knee in osteoarthritis of the 3rd degree

The degeneration in the joint tissues occur not only in the physical form of the dysfunction of the lower limbs, but strong painful sensations in them. When the tonic pathology leads to disability, in some cases, a paralysis of the legs. In the context of this disappointing prognosis of the disease is important as early as possible to identify, and will immediately start its treatment.

Important about the disease

It is important to patients prior to the study therapeutic tactics be familiar with the following material, in order to possess the whole information about the mechanism of nucleation and the clinical manifestations of the pathology. It is sufficient to note that osteoarthritis and arthritis are closely linked, because the treaty of the disease is a consequence of the arthritic disease. But where appear the unfortunate evils that ruthlessly destroy vital bone connection? What is the degree of severity happens the knee and the events, you can recognize it?

The causes of osteoarthritis

Degenerate-dystrophic pathogenesis of "launch" factors or provocative:

Completeness is the cause of osteoarthritis
  • previously deferred wounds of diseases of the tibia, sprained knee, an injury to the meniscus, tears and torn ligaments, falling to his knees, all kinds of injuries;
  • excess of the physical load;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • a body mass index;
  • the system of the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis, gouty, psoriatic type, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • genetically inherited weakness of the structures, ligament, muscle, congenital or under-development of the structural elements of the joint;
  • disorders of the metabolism and blood circulation;
  • failure, diabetes and other endocrine disorders of the pathology;
  • migrated or chronic, infectious, inflammatory, diseases.

Quite often, people become themselves guilty of developed intractable articulate the disease. Often wounded, they ignore the call to a specialist, preferring to first took a drug the pain, the lotions and other things of this kind. And a few years later, due to conducted in the past to inadequate treatment, they come to the doctor, already with the gonarthroseom, in the best case of medium severity. And it already has a physical prevention and ointments analgesics, such as at the beginning of all, is not only to act, often radically, by applying the tactics of surgical.

The destruction phase

In orthopaedics, this disease share on the stage, that in the future, and pushed by a specialist in the development of the treatment plan. The degree, the nature, the location, the nature of the cause of the destruction of the bone marrow of the connection in the knee identified through a series of diagnostic activities, such as x-ray, MRI, ct, ULTRASOUND, different types of analyses of blood and urine of the patient.

On the quality of the treatment and of the word cannot be without made information on the state of the knee joint, and on the peculiarities of the organism of the patient, as well as the visit to the doctor and get him appropriate treatment recommendations. Therefore, desiring to improve the quality of life, do not neglect the visit of an experienced technician, only he is able to tell you if you can do it, qualified the curator of the help or even if your problem will be effective as surgery.

The condition has several stages of development, according to the classification of Kellgren four. They characterize the severity of the morphological changes (presence of osteophytes, the reduction of the volume of the articular cartilage and the degree of thinning, narrowing of the joint space, etc) and clinical signs (the limits of the flexion/extension, the rate of support capabilities, the nature and intensity of the pain and other).

  • Osteoarthritis of the first phase is a disease that is in its infancy. External symptoms of mild or absent, the congruency and the shape of the joint to be satisfactory. On x-rays or photo MRI there are small marginal osteophytes on the edges of the articular surfaces, in podsolennom department fuzzy subchondral osteosclerosis, minor in the size of cysts in the bone. Joint of the slit is usually normal or modified, but is not significant.
  • When the disease of the second degree, in addition to these indicators, osteosclerotic home to more clearly express the narrowing of the interarticular slot. The patient begin more and more often disturbing pain at the time of the walk, the descent/ascent of the stairs, the debt standing, sometimes at night. Develops a lameness, the movement in the articulation of acquiring a disability, in particular during bending.
  • The third phase is characterized by an irreversible progression of the degeneration and deformation. The configuration of the joint significantly distorted, the distance between the joint surfaces are considerably reduced, the bony growths in the form of spikes and large size. The pain is long and pronounced, and alarm of the man, even at rest, the lameness is exacerbated. You receive the dependence on support schemes and assistance.
  • The fourth step degenerated degenerative pathogenesis, when they are present volumetric osteopenia expansion, hyaline cartilage is completely destroyed, joint, the slot disappears, or barely traceable, the epiphyses of the coupling os formant articulation, the strongest in a distorted fashion. The knee joint is recognized as totally unbearable organ of the musculoskeletal system, the person becomes disabled.

The symptoms and complaints

The severity of the clinical manifestations do not only depend on the pathological traits, but personality factors. In all cases, a little bit in the knee, it is transferred to very hard and on the 2nd, and 3 to 4 spoons At the list of symptoms include:

an image of the surface of the knee joint
  • the syndrome of pain, mainly of the mechanical type (girl pain, acute, sudden, periodical and permanent);
  • the emergence of crackling sound during movement;
  • the stiffness of the joint;
  • the limitation of range of motion;
  • a muscle weakness of a member;
  • the hyperthermia of the skin and swelling of the knee area;
  • the modification of the process, which manifests itself by a lameness, and the mowing of the feet;
  • the instability or the syndrome of the "drawer";
  • "sticking" of the knee, what happens with blockade movements of the marrow of the connection.

It is important! The conservative treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint does not function, if the disease is complicated, that already can happen in the worst case, in the second phase of developing osteo-cartilaginous degeneration. Unlike the traditional cuisine for the conservative treatment and alternative methods, all, without exception, the operation of the plug to the seriousness of the knee 2-3-4 degree, only the middle, which, on the long duration of life can dramatically improve the quality of life.

Conservative treatment

Bezoperatsionnye methods of treatment appropriate on the initial phase of the crippling of osteoarthritis. The principle of the non-surgical treatment requires:

  • systematic execution of the exercise, developed by a professional individual;
  • procedures of physical therapy;
  • the application of analgesics, in the form of ointments, tablets, injections, etc;
  • a good diet and follow a special diet, prescribed by your doctor;
  • the respect of the particularity of the daily diet of physical activity;
  • a complete rejection of bad habits;
  • unconditional to a passage from re-control diagnosis;
  • the annual visit to a specialized sanatorium, hospitals.

The transaction with osteoarthritis of the knee joint


Now familiarize themselves with surgical ways which is most often a necessity, because at an early stage of the pathology often unnoticed. You must already have the osteoarthritis in his "peak", which swept a large-scale joints of the structure and has affected the peri-articular material.

  • Orthopedics – helping more than 95% of the cases, the better to restore the skeletal system and the functions of the division of the knee of the lower limb. The operation is not easy, after it is necessary complex of rehabilitation, but the effect is worth the effort. Almost at the end of 3 months after the installation of artificial analogue of the square was the birthplace of the joint, irreversible pathological changes, comes back full range of motion of the leg, fully wound up the pain syndrome.
  • Introduzione – uncirculated the procedure of "closing" of the joint, because of its aggressive action on the biological structures, but sometimes, and it takes place to be, for example, if the person does not have to follow an implantation. Its essence lies in the removal of the articular surfaces, and a connection coupling the bones together special designed for devices that are in an advantageous position. With the time went on natural concretion of these elements. Artificial ankylosis completely blocks the mobility of the joint, but it allows to obtain a good support to the capacities of the members and of the reduction of the pain.
  • Osteotomy of the knee – is also used in the extreme situations, for the same reason that the arthrodesis, in particular, when the need to delay the replacement over several years. At the time of the business of the session, the specialist makes the artificial divide, podpilivaya os and putting it under more of a right angle, so advantageous to distribute the load on the cartilage elements.
the doctor pro oa

The year of irreversible pathogenesis is not already correct, you need to understand. Ointments and even medication of the range chondroprotectors, not to mention Granny's advice-treated gelatin, the role also will not play. The maximum that they can help in a poor state, it is to prepare the musculo-muscular apparatus to the next operation.

Modern knee implants are capable of withstanding normal day-to-day load, with this excellent, operating for at least 15 years, and often 20 to 25 years. A person can even replaced the articulation of their sport.

Treatment of 3 degrees

On the 3 stages of osteoarthritis do surgery. The changes in the joint are strongly pronounced, this phase of the disease to an extremely low level of life and the integrity of the patient. Osteo-cartilaginous damage reaches a critical point, where the fabric of the cord of connection is not of the functional significance of are not. Hyaline cover almost completely destroyed.

  • Important the cartilage is not restored by itself, including through non-surgical methods of.
  • Stripped and flattened surface of the interaction of the ends have a pressure on each other, constantly rubbing them, severely damaging nearby soft tissue, and every day to distort even more.
  • The person feels a terrible pain not to mention lost the ability to walk normally. Patients experience daily the flour, and when the sleep is not in the joy, and the day of the pain, not rest. Fairly tolerant of state mark the single unit of people.
  • The Anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs were generally mild to the action, but more often does not "work". In the chondroprotectors has no meaning, because the better make-up and derisory residue of cartilage, saves the situation.
view astroscope fully healthy surfaces

The consequences of osteoarthritis 2-3 degrees sometimes trying to process a transaction of minimally invasive surgery (arthroscopy), in which you can remove the limits of osteophytes, as well as extract seconded osteo-cartilaginous extracts from the joint cavity. Such a manipulation, as evidenced by the comments, several of the facilitate the patient's condition, improve a little motor function, but temporarily. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint and remains active, and in the near future, again manifest.

The pathogenesis of grade 3-4 – this is a very serious problem, which is real-only much more complex reconstructive and aesthetic operating tactics. To date, no procedure of this type that can be compared with the arthroplasty. Replacement of the knee joint prosthesis, fully repeat the mechanical characteristics, the configuration of shapes and sizes, their natural authority, will be the occasion to review both of the unfortunate condition, and the disability that she "has been assigned".

The disease progresses rapidly and is able to walk a moderate the average of phase at 4 degrees in a few months. The surgery to pass as quickly as possible, until the degenerative process has not penetrated deeply into the os. Heavily damaged bones can cause difficulties with the production of prostheses.

A lot, up to the end without realizing that the severity of the arrivs the degeneration is not comparable with a conservative and non-traditional tactics, are trying by all means to circumvent the operation, to swallow the pill of the handles by applying the ointment on the area. Someone calls you the osteopaths, private physicians engaged in all kinds of alternative methods. Unfortunately, against the nature, you do not come, the healing after them does not come, and because of this, you have to accept. Therefore, lift up the absurd of the company, to act wisely.

damaged part of the joint

Your physical solvency depends entirely on your decision! You can in life, continue to suffer from stiffness and pain, in vain to test the "vacuum" of ways to treat it: medications and not the means, who do not have evidence of efficacy in the severity of your disease. And can undergo surgical treatment and to start living a full life, free themselves from the past pain and suffering and the support devices.

Worry about an intervention is not necessary, the modern technology has evolved, and today the foreign brilliantly change the joints of the knee lasting implants. After such an implantation, performed in a good clinic, the risk of complications is minimal (1% to 2%), and the restoration of the functions of mobility takes place in more than 95 % of cases. After the replacement of the joint will be followed by a rehabilitation 3-4 months providing:

  • the physical restoration in the middle of a gym;
  • the drugs (antibiotics, anti-thrombotic funds, etc);
  • the program of physiotherapy, including myostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing of the procedure;
  • massage (in later stages of rehabilitation).

It is useful to know! On the 1st degree of the illness, you can stop and prevent conservative. If nothing is done and the run osteoarthritis of the knee, to make him go from 1 to 2 degree, drug treatment will be already much more of a problem, but for a certain category of patients is still relevant to non-surgical approach. The last two stadium is always the operation.

Treatment of degree 2

Patients the knee-moderate quality of life is already pretty tarnished. Knee sore concerned more strong, painful syndrome manifests itself more often and more intensely than it was at the beginning of the disease. Especially expressed the pain immediately after waking up, at the time of the ascent and the descent of the stairs. Often the unpleasant feeling of numbness, which appears after a long walk and time in the same position. The knee is Flexed, the domain reduces, the patient is not able to fold to the leg, as required by the physiology. The man begins to the clemency of his member, trying almost not to walk on it, because of what happens atrophy progressive muscle.

the swimming pool is recommended by all, and always

Draw attention that the compulsory treatment qualified requires a comprehensive approach.

  • If the physician does not see the urgent need of surgery, is the original assigned to the reduction of the burden of the problematic of the division. In the presence of excess weight, in order to ensure a good discharge of the area affected by osteoarthritis of the joint, it is absolutely necessary to correct the mass of the body, respecting the plan that you recommend the doctor.
  • All patients require the use of orthoses at the time of the movement. It is in relation to your problem, perhaps knee fastening, a compression garment, elastic request for information request for information, headbands, canes, crutches, walkers.
  • Rogue orthopaedic-traumatic stress disorder will prescribe you a kind of complex of exercises, which will strengthen and improve the endurance of the muscles in the member system.
  • Also of osteoarthritis in the moderate average of the event involves the use of medications which contain the substances present in the cartilage tissue of the knee. They include marie chupin, based on chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid injections, preparations with glucosamine. They can not repair the cartilage, but to saturate its nutritional components, which allows to obtain a remission of the disease.
  • Recommended procedures and physiotherapy treatment, but apply them only after you have done away with all signs of inflammation. The physical signs of the sessions, for example, laser, magnet or ultrasound, it is necessary to spend in hospitals. Through physiotherapy, improving nutrition, and metabolism, bone, muscle, cartilage tissues. If you have bought a vibro-acoustic device for home use, first, go to a specialist on the possibilities of its use during your diagnosis and the characteristics of operation of the device.

We have examined the basic principles on which is based the official the treatment of osteoarthritis, according to the standards of orthopaedics. Like many people with osteoarthritis of the 2nd part very interested by alternative methods, seeking his salvation, we offer you to discover the most popular of them. And let us know if if they are unique, as presented to us in the internet.

Stem cells for the treatment of the tribe

Stem cells for the treatment of the tribe

It will be on the autograft mesenchymally stem cells of the patient with gonarthrosis knee, from the crest of the pelvis or femur. Cell therapy, as indicated by the interested sources, would achieve, just activation of the auto-refresh only of the joint through to intensify the process of regeneration of self-healing corrupted segments. Thanks to this technology, theoretically, you can get an improvement of the components of the units osteo-cartilaginous of the authority. However, in practice, until not even a single "live" x-ray of the evidence, which confirmed that, after the introduction of stem cells in the struck by the place of articulation is now in good health.

The positive impact of stem cells on the joints, and the bone has not been proved, with a doubt, because this technique in orthopaedics, have not yet recognized. Scientists only study and experience. In addition, we have information concerning the hazardous effects on the human body, the stem cells, which, in the opinion of specialists highly qualified, able to cause cancer. And what about those people who have paid for the procedure and are satisfied with the result? Here, we can say only one thing: many patients believe in such sums of money and in the eternal life, but the placebo effect is of short duration, don't forget about it too.

The treatment of the mud

Therapeutic mud baths, the sources containing unique components (magnesium, chromium, iodine, bromine, calcium nitrate, etc), contribute to the reduction of pain symptomatology, the enhancement of the inflow of blood to the sick areas, the stimulation of the metabolism. The greatest value that they represent for people with a mild stage of the disease, or in patients who have already passed leg. The mud is eligible and 2 degrees, if the doctor considers that a natural remedy in combination with the primary curative program will reduce the aggressiveness of the disease (stop the progression) and improve the overall clinical picture. The mud therapy is practised in health institutions, a station of well-being type. Natural healing of the mud on the base of the mud applied in the form of applications, and with the method of galvanization (electrophoresis).

The use of gelatin

The gelatin is a good supplement to your diet to keep the joints in good health

Natural gelatin – a tool that allows you to maintain the articulation of the structure in good condition. Frozen substrate, diluted in water, it is recommended to consume on the inside. According to the comments of some doctors, the gelatin as well as faster and more productive will have an effect on bone, cartilage and muscular-ligamentous elements. The experts emphasize, that this method has no medicinal properties, it contributes to the prevention of osteoarthritis. Consequently, the holding of the pathogenesis of the relationalities the absence of pathology or at a very early stage can only be considered as a measure of prevention of the onset or progression of degenerated-of the degenerative changes. When the disease is medium and heavy character, this approach for prophylaxis't hurt.

Ayurveda for joints

Modern alternative medicine is known for many extraordinary trends, among which the treatment of the Ayurveda, the different parts of the musculoskeletal system. Under this informal upstream, the defeat of the joint communicates with the surplus of toxins accumulated in the body because of the disagreement. Harmful mechanism of disorders of the energy balance (rock Wool) is paramount promotes the weakening of Agni, or digestive fire, which leads to the accumulation in the intestine undigested yorumlar food (chang mai). They produce toxins that the blood carries to the joint, where harmful substances accumulate and inhibit the process of metabolism.

According to Ayurveda, osteoarthritis can be classified into several types, and each type has invented his own system of treatment, the basis of each of them are the food, herbal medicine, receiving pills and powders, ayurvedic, yoga and breathing exercises, not conventional massage, meditation for healing, etc, Certainly, it all seems tempting, but if the oa cannot reverse the trend even through the high-tech, is it possible to believe that of the powders, the processing of thoughts and other tactics of Ayurveda will heal irreversible?!


The salt used for cooking saturated salt solution used for the impregnation of compresses, which are to the wound for several hours. This therapy should not be considered as independent of the tool, and more, as the panacea of the knee. The salt is able to calm down temporarily the pain, get rid of the edema of the soft tissues covering the bone structure, without prejudice to the biological structures. But it is not to cure the disease and not put it on the leg of the patient! Its action is purely symptomatic. The solution is prepared at a rate of 1 l at the ambient temperature of the water is taken up in 100 g of salt.

It is necessary to read! Sometimes, the salt applied in a dry warm place, the form that put him in the bag, and perform the warm-up of the local tribe. Sometimes, as a wet, but warm dressing. Hot procedure dangerous gnojno-inflammatory drugs into the joint cavity, they do eventually worsen the clinical picture. That is why, not to use such income, not being sure that the defeat is not accompanied by the same process.